The overall improvement in its optical design ensures permanent and undisturbed focus. Highly accurate glass scale is divided to read angular degrees and also carries sugar scale in I.S.S. units. The angular scale from 0 to 360 degree is sub divided to 1 degree to enable direct reading to 0.05 degree and by estimation to 0.02 degree. The sugar scale from 30 degree to 120 degrees I.S.S. unit enable direct reading to 0.1 and by estimation to 0.05 sugar degrees. Supplied complete with polarimeter tube. Pipe fitting with sodium vapor lamp, holder and leak proof transformer are supplied as a standard accessory.
- Tube Size 220 mm with Rotating Half Shadow.
- Tube Size 400 mm with Rotating Half Shadow.
- Sodium vapour lamp (35 watts) with heavy leak transformer.
- Sodium housing/ pipe fitting with holder.
Note: – these accessories are mandatory for running the Polarimeter.