It was important to make testing viable, accessible and at the same time ensuring safety of health workers. The vehicle will be able to cater to narrow lanes, larger and dense areas of District Central, increasing the number of samples collected in a day. The vehicle is fitted with an inverter, an ice box to keep the samples intact. The mobile van is attached with a speaker to make announcements as it goes on rounds. It will not only save time but also the people who are collecting the samples. The person who will collect the sample will be in the enclosure, so will not have to wear PPE.
In a one-of-a-kind move, now has mobile coronavirus testing van, which will enable health officials to collect samples at the doorstep even in the densely populated areas. Now the people can get tested in this mobile testing van, which is modified in a way that health officials can sit behind a glass casing and collect nasal and the throat swabs of the people.
The van is creating awareness about testing with the help of mic and speakers attached. The mic system also helps health officials in giving instructions and guiding people who have turned up for testing.
For proper testing in vans as per requirement along with the properly protected sample collection system all items required for testing will be available as per customer specifications:
- Electronic pipette.
- Mechanical pipette.
- Filter tips.
- Nuclease free water system.
- Mini centrifuge.
- Refrigerated centrifuge etc.